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Singing Bowl

Sound Healing and Meditation with Kasia co-founder of Luminssence Naturals 



At Luminescence we believe in inspiring people to live naturally healthier lives, through our natural scents, Reiki and sound healing to boost your wellbeing. 


"Sound Therapists possess a unique power the power to aid in healing to reduce stress in incredible ways, and to calm the mind, body, and spirit".

Vikrampal (Gong Therapist)


Integrating Sacred Sounds & Wellness

Connect with yourself through unique sound guided meditation with Kasia co-founder of Luminessence. 

Kasia's presence alone will immediately make you feel safe and relaxed. The spiritual practitioner works with instruments including gongs (Paiste & Chinese Gongs), crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, shamanic rattles - percussion and woodwind instruments to create bespoke sound bath and meditation sessions on a one- to-one and group basis. 

Experience the transformative power of sound healing to relax the body, soothe the mind, and release emotional stress. 


What is Sound Healing?​

Sound Healing is an ancient practice that has gained popularity in recent years for its benefits on the brain. Sound Therapy can be traced back to ancient civilisations, such as Egypt, Greece, and India. In these cultures, sound was used as a tool for healing and spiritual transformation. Over time, different techniques and instruments emerged, ranging from chanting and drumming to the use of singing bowls and gongs. Throughout history, sound healing practices have evolved and adapted to different cultural contexts.

The concept of sound meditation revolves around the idea that certain sounds and frequencies can have a profound effect on our well-being.  

Singing bowls, traditionally made from an amalgam of metals, produce rich overtones and undertones when played. The frequencies emitted by these bowls can correspond to specific chakras or energy centers in the body, facilitating alignment and energetic flow. 



The Science Behind Sound Healing

Recent studies have shown that sound frequencies can directly impact the brain, influencing our mood, perception, and even physical health. Researchers have found that different frequencies can stimulate the release of different neurotransmitters and hormones, leading to various psychological and physiological effects. For example, low frequency sounds have been found to increase the production of alpha waves, which are associated with relaxation and creative thinking. On the other hand, high frequency sounds can elevate beta waves, promoting focus and alertness. By entraining the brainwaves to specific frequencies, sound healing can help shift our brainwave patterns from states of stress and anxiety to states of relaxation and tranquility. This can have a profound impact on our overall health.  


“You can look at disease as a form of disharmony. And there's no organ system in the body that's not affected by sound and music and vibration.”  Mitchell Gaynor 


One of the biggest proponents of using singing bowls for healing was Mitchell Gaynor, M.D. an oncologist and professor at Well Cornell Medical College.Gaynor, who began working with singing bowls in the 1990s, championed the use of sound healing in addition to conventional treatment and medicine. The reason for this,  Gaynor argued, was that sound therapy eased the psychological and physical effects of those with disease. He also argued that sound therapy gave patients “lower stress hormones and stronger immune systems.” The pulsating tones of the singing bowl help practitioners feel good and relax.


What Happens During a Sound Bath?

The experience begins with each person lying down (or seated) in a comfortable position, often with a blanket. After a few minutes of guided meditation, intention setting and guided focus on the breath, the reminder of the experience is filled with different sounds and frequencies being introduced in session. The sounds are created by a variety of  powerful sound healing instruments including Himalayan bowls, frosted & crystal alchemy cosmic light singing bowls, gongs, percussion instruments - wind Chimes, handcraftedd rainstick, rattles and tuning forks. These sounds and frequencies have the potential to relax, restore and realign on all levels. 


Aromatherapy & Reiki Sound Bath

Step into a tranquil sanctuary enhanced with flickering candles and aromatherapy products  made by Luminescence Naturals. As you settle into your cozy space, indulge in the calming aromas of sandalwood, clary sage and other essential oils, known for its soothing and grounding properties - The abundant scents will take you to a place of calm and relaxation. 

Reiki - Kasia will channel divine energy to promote balance and wellbeing (Kasia will not perform Reiki on participants). 

Sound Healing - Each sound wave will gently wash over you, releasing stress and inviting deep relaxation.


Benefits of Sound Healing

  • Calms the mind and body. Sound therapy can calm and regulate the nervous system by stimulating the vagus nerve, which can lower heart rate and breathing, and reduce cortisol levels. 

  • Greatly improves sleep

  • Can help regulate hormones by influencing the nervous system and stimulating glands that produce hormones

  • Helps to clear negativity 

  • Finely 'tunes' your body for optimal health

  • Can help uplift mood, reduce anxiety and depression, and promote a sense of inner peace. 

  • The vibrations produced by sound baths are thought to help raise our vibrational frequency, promoting healing and relaxation. 

  • Therapeutic instruments such as Crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, gongs stimulate the Alpha and Theta brain wave frequencies associated with meditative, clear and peaceful state of mind. 

  • Can help lower blood pressure.

  • Can help stimulate the release of endorphins and promote a sense of well-being.

  • ​The sound waves from the bowls are thought to help synchronize brain wave frequencies, which can reduce stress and anxiety.


What Instruments Are Used For Sound Baths?



To Alleviate stress and remove emotional blockages.


In the proper hands, the gong is said to be an efficient reliever of physical, emotional and spiritual turmoil. It has been used in meditation, yoga and chakra balancing from as early as 4000BC. 

This is a simple percussion instrument - the sound vibration of a gong can have many benefits, including relaxation and improved mood.

What makes Gong so powerful?

The Gong produces a vide range of frequencies, tones and overtones - when we are hearing the gong we are plying the music for the soul which has a power to cut the our internal  "noise" or mental chatter. The gong's vibrations stimulate your vagus nerve, which plays a crucial role in your parasympathetic nervous system (the rest-and-digest part of your nervous system). As the gong's low rumbling tones travel into your ear canals, your brain interprets safety signals, slowing down your heart rate and breath. 


Himalayan Singing Bowls

For deep relaxation


From the 12th century onward, singing bowls were found all over Asia. They were especially popular within Tibetan monasteries, where they were used for ceremonies and meditation. 

Kasia uses the highest quality Singing Bowls from Nepal - handmade bowls crafted by master Nepalese artisans - Himalayan Singing Bowls that are hand beaten in the traditional manner from a mixture of seven metals, corresponding to the seven chakras in our bodies. Tibetan singing bowls are renowned for their rich harmonic overtones and sustained resonance. These singing bowls are used in meditation and sound healing practices to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall health.  


Crystal Singing Bowls

For deep relaxation


The origins of singing bowls are uncertain, but some say they originated in Egypt. Crystal bowls are made from various quartz crystals and produce resonant tones. The sound waves from crystal bowls are said to synchronise with the body's vibrations, inducing deep relaxation and releasing tension.

Crystal bowls are made from various quartz crystals and produce resonant tones. The natural origins of quartz crystal are fascinating. Two very mundane and well known elements, silica (Si02) and water (H20), join naturally under heat and pressure to create the crystalline structure we call “quartz crystal".

The vibrational frequencies of sound healing instruments like crystal bowls have the ability to move through skin, fluid, and bones of the body, creating a full body relaxation and recalibration down to the level of the cellular structure. The experience creates an environment of “resonance” within the body. The crystalline elements of quartz crystal are also present within our bodies. In this way the resonant vibration of crystal singing bowls has a powerful and impactful effect on the resonant frequency of our physical bodies. Generating resonant tones from quartz crystal singing bowls enables the crystalline structure within our bodies to resonate at the same frequency, thus re-establishing balance and harmony at a vibrational and energetic level.


Alchemy Cosmic Quartz

For deep relaxation


Advanced crystal singing bowls, where colourful crystals, fine gemstones and precious metals, such as 24 karat gold, silver and platinum are heated and blended in with the quartz bowls. They are precious, produced in a unique way and come at the highest price point – not one bowl is ever the same.


Tuning Forks 

Their sonic vibrations are believed to stimulate "Rei"- "Prana"  life force - vital energy to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being. 


Rainstick (Percussion Instrument)

A great way to emulate the relaxing sound of the rain. 

It's understood that this meditation instrument was invented by the Aztecs. Although not limited to this one use, the rainstick has been adopted by many cultures. The concept is always the same, yet the materials used to make one varies depending on the region. 


Wind Chimes (Percussion Instrument)

Invigorating and rejuvenating 

Dating back to Ancient Rome, China and India, these simple but effective instruments are believed to balance the flow of your life force energy and promote relaxation. 


Kabolonga Waterfall Nutshell Shaker

This grounding instrument nut shaker produces a very smooth trickling rain like sound promoting physical harmony. 


Tibetan Bell

In Buddhist monasteries, the bell is rung at the beginning of meditation sessions to encourage people to be present. In Tibetan Buddhism, the bell is a sacred ritual object that symbolises wisdom and enlightenment.


Tingsha cymbals

Traditionally used in prayer and ceremonies in the Hindu and Buddhist religions. Nowadays, Tibetan cymbals are used to start meditation sessions, sound therapy, as well as healing. When the two metallic pieces are hit together they produce a clear, cleansing and pure sound that can be used to channel energy before, during or after meditation.


Other Percussion instruments

Drums, Steel Tongue Drum, Ocean Drum,


Shaman Rattle 

Rattle contains all the elements, water, fire, earth and air.

Elementally the rattles sound is closest to water as rain and reminds us of the cleansing power of the descending watery heavens, yet it is an instrument of fire and activity. Rattle is the oldest musical instrument for soul retrieval work, cleansing and purifying. The sound of a rattle helps to break up stagnant energy within the body.

All percussion instruments can relieve stress and calm the mind. 


Native American Flute

One of the most ethereal instruments known to mankind is the Native Flute.

Although historically made from woods like cherry, redwood, juniper, cedar, and walnut, Native Americans have turned bamboo, sawgrass and even old gun barrels into these wonderful wind instruments. These flutes don't just serve a nice way to gather a crowd at sound bathes, playing one has also reportedly provided benefits of reducing stress and heart rate, as well as promoting psychological harmony. 


Burma Bell - Kyeezee 

This traditional bronze instrument from the temples of Burma. These versatile bells can also be used for Feng Shui to clear spaces. In sound healing they are used for opening human energy centres (Chakras) and harmonisation. The calming sound of the bell can help soothe the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. 



Other methods used during a sound bath: 


Chanting / Mantras

Meditation on repetition of sound / mantra in your own voice - collective chanting of sacred sounds. 

Chanting is a rhythmical repetition (either silently or aloud) of a song, prayer, word or sound. It is one of the most ancient spiritual practices and a part of most religions and spiritual paths. 

According to the Indian yoga tradition, sound is healing and sacred. It is also believed that sound is one of the most powerful forces. Chanting deepens the concentration and devotion, calms the mind and improves the awareness.


Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is a structured meditation practice where a teacher leads participants through a session. Kasia's  voice and instructions help participants focus on the present moment and the meditation's objectives.

It can help with: stress relief and relaxation, improved focus and clarity, and enhanced emotional well-being. 


Healing Frequencies

Even if you don't realise, you've probably already experienced how powerfully healing sound can be. If you have a favourite song that makes you feel happy, that's the power of sound. Sound is all around us, and whether we know it or not, it's always affecting how we feel. 

Vibration is a key word when it comes to sound healing, because all sound is made up of vibration. All sounds are made up of waves produced by the vibrations of material objects. If you strike a singing bowl, the vibration of the bowl sends out waves, heard as frequencies. Specific frequencies can be used to help optimise the body's organs, as well as to elicit certain brainwaves and emotional states. Humans have an optimal frequency, as does everything else in the universe, that occurs when each of the cells in our body vibrates at the frequency it was designed to. Healthy body resonates at a frequency of 62-72MHz, and when your frequency drops to 58MHz, that is when disease starts. 


Healing Frequencies:


These frequencies are measured in Hertz (Hz) and are often associated with specific parts of the body, such as the Chakras or the organs


  • 7.83Hz Schumann Resonance - "Earth's own heartbeat"Schumann resonance refer to the electromagnetic frequencies that occur naturally in the Earth’s atmosphere.It has been linked to improved cognitive functions, reduced stress and anxiety, enhanced immune function, sleep function, and much more

  • Solfeggio frequencies are a set of sound frequencies believed by some to have therapeutic benefits, including reducing anxiety, promoting relaxation, and enhancing physical and emotional healing

  • Nikola Tesla 3-6-9 Frequencies

  • Isochronic Tones

  • Quantum Healing Frequencies: 174Hz Relieves Pain and stress, 432 Hz is thought to promote balance and harmony, 528 Hz Heart Chakra - Love Frequency - is believed to promote healing and repair at the cellular level

  • Chakra Tones Frequencies

  • Singing Bowls - Vibrational Frequency: The vibrational frequency of a bowl is crucial in how it interacts with the body, which can be matched to specific chakras. ​

Binaural beats are a type of sound wave therapy that involves playing two different frequencies of sound into each ear. The difference between the two frequencies creates a rhythmic pulsing sound that is believed to affect brainwaves and promote relaxation and other therapeutic effects.


About the Practitioner 


Kasia Trawinska  was born and raised in Poland. She moved to Cambridge at age 25 in 2007 after graduating university. Kasia has been studying spirituality since her early thirties but she began having spiritual experiences when she was a little girl. Since then, her abilities have grown and evolved over time. She is a qualified/accredited  Sound Practitioner and Reiki Practitioner. Her Sound Meditation Training is accredited by IPHM - International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine - Worldwide Accreditation.

Her guiding principle is compassion for all beings and gratitude. Apart from helping others with their healing and personal growth Kasia's other passions in life is Reiki, yoga, running, reading and aromatherapy. 

Kasia's  goal is to create a deeply balancing and relaxing sound healing journey with the special instruments and crystal singing bowls using a combination of guided meditation and aromatherapy. 

She aims to create a space that brings you inspiration and guidance for your own revival process.


Kasia's Sound Healing Journey


"I first encountered sound meditation back in the mid-thirties.  I was searching all kinds of different meditations and methods to help myself feel less anxious and sleep better during challenging times. I’d never heard of a sound bath before and honestly I’m not really sure how or where I connected with that first fortuitous encounter, but I found myself at a Wellbeing festival, lying on the floor and listening to someone playing what appeared to be singing bowls.

I had no idea what to expect - I’d already explored meditation, shamanistic practices, mindfulness, all sorts of different styles of Yoga and Pranayama as well as acupuncture and CBT, this sound bath idea seemed pretty out there even to me. How could sound  be relaxing!? 

I can’t tell you where I or my mind went that first time - many people find that they can’t - but it did completely change my life. In that sound bath environment, I discovered that I was able to completely disconnect from my anxious - conscious mind. I was calm, still, blissful relaxed, and able to rest last.  

It was a simple and seemingly magical solution to a complicated problem I’d been looking for, a chance to get quiet enough that I could start to determine and action the positive life changes that I wanted to make - After a few minutes in the sound, your brainwaves slow down significantly and your conscious mind switches off, including all your physical senses. The awareness of ‘hearing’ becomes disconnected and despite the huge waves of sound being created by the singing bowls, gong and other instruments - you are still, silent at the centre of the sound, free from the constant flood of external messaging and inner voices that can drive us all to distraction.

" For me Sound Healing - it is not just about producing the sound - it is about using your intuition - knowing the why and how to play the instruments to achieve different outcomes - this way, you can deliver significant results for your clients".



Price List


One - to - one sessions Sound Healing (Reiki healing available upon request - extra charge may apply) cost £130 at a studio (Depending on availability). The relaxing session consist of: A Sound Bath, Aromatherapy & Guided Meditation to put you into a deep state of relaxation and last for approximately 75 minutes. The theme of each session will be chosen to reflect your needs.



One - to - one or two - to - one Sound Healing sessions in the comfort of your own home.

1h £80 

One - to - one or two - to - one - Sound Healing 4 sessions  - £260



Group Sound Bath 

£22.50*Early Bird Offer -  Regular Price £ 25 per person. The relaxing session consist of: A sound bath, aromatherapy & guided Meditation and last for approximately 60 minutes. 


Bespoke & Corporate Group Sound Bath are available upon request. A sound bath session for your organization or as a part of special event.  Kasia offers the opportunity to experience the benefits of sound healing and meditation - workplace wellbeing session in a small group setting. The theme of each session will be chosen to reflect company needs. More information about the sound healing sessions is available on request. 

POA Email  to Enquire


Remember, your healing session should not replace any conventional medical intervention that you may require from a GP or other healthcare professional.

If you have any queries, concerns, or wishes to discuss any of the above, please feel free to contact Kasia directly.




Sound Healing Guided Meditation

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